『城市綠洲』 Urban Oasis
風格: 俐落現代風格
設計公司: Bespoke Interior Design
廚具/系統櫃施工: 萊薇 Laiwei
格局與坪數: 33坪|3+1房/ 2廳 / 2衛
Design concept: a reflection of the house and connection among residents In the tempestuous, bustling city, by using appropriate "space", hope that people can feel immediately refreshed once they return home. The public area is more open because of the eliminated walls, and by blurring the interior boundaries, space can help to increase the interaction among inhabitants in daily lives. Thus, there is an oasis in this fast-paced city. About space: This is a design project of a one-floor house in an old building. We widened the area by eliminating some walls and non-standard design also allowing light in and air to flow, and the residents can have more conversations in the public area through the unclear space division. The room was dim due to the original limitation of the light, by removing part of the wall, the light was able to access the room. Inside, the long corridor creates a quiet space for respiting from the noise of the city and also increases the flow of air. Using penetrating materials like glass create a composite space that can be independent and open, breaking the limitations of the area, making the interior more interesting, and breaking the framed thinking of "the space should be like this". It enlarged the public area when necessary, and the residents can have more conversations in life and have a warmer connection. Independent TV wall designed as the division between the kitchen and the living room, but does not separate the space between them, still letting airflow and allowing light to go through. Materials, Style: The spirit of the urban oasis is to have a peaceful resting place in the center of the blustery city. In terms of colors, most of the walls in the rooms are mainly white. Whiteness means cleanness and naturalness, and the white oak wood veneer dyed increases the warmth of the room. In. Green is used as the space embellishment, which slightly adds the natural concept into white and warm space and preserves a touch of lightness.

檯面 | 韓國樂天人造石 PC855 (2.4cm)
左側門板 | S6R+ 奧地利賽諾森抗指紋超級霧烤 S730-SM 霧面 (鐵灰)
右側電器櫃門板 | S6R+ 奧地利賽諾森抗指紋超級霧烤 S799-SM 霧面 (超白)
抽屜 | Blum鋁抽
水槽 | 德國PAIDOK 不銹鋼方形水槽 PDK-FR104
龍頭 | 永韻 ART-80195
瓦斯爐 | 林內 檯面式蓮花玻璃雙口爐 RB-26GF(B)
抽油煙機 | 林內 倒T式高質感不銹鋼排油煙機 RH-9131
嵌入式烤箱 | 櫻花 嵌入式電烤箱 E6672
電器收納櫃 | 櫻花 電器收納櫃 E3621
中島IH爐 | 林內 IH智慧感應單口爐 RB-1131H
把手設計 | 隱藏式C型把手(黑色)


浴櫃門板 | S6R+ 奧地利賽諾森抗指紋超級霧烤 S730-SM 霧面 (鐵灰)
把手設計 | 隱藏式C型把手(黑色)
鏡子 | 明鏡